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Epilepsy Canada New Investigator Award

Epilepsy Canada is accepting proposals for their NEW Investigator Award, Promoting the Careers of New Investigators. Interested applicants are invited to submit a letter of intent by Monday January 9, 2023. For the complete award announcement please visit here.

Epilepsy Canada Investigator Award Package

In Memoriam Michael Poulter

It is with great sadness that we announce that Michael Poulter, former head of CERI, suddenly passed away on Saturday, August 10, 2019 after a short illness. Born in Oshawa Ontario, Michael completed a BSc in Pharmacology from the University of British Columbia and his PhD in Pharmacology from McGill University. He then did a postdoc at the NIH in Washington, followed by further postgraduate research in Strasbourg, France. In 1995 Michael returned to Canada, first at the National Research Council in Ottawa, and subsequently at the Institute for Neuroscience at Carleton University, becoming head in 2003. In 2006 Michael relocated to London, taking a position as Scientist at the Robarts Research Institute and as Professor in the Department of Physiology and Pharmacology at Western University. In addition to his science, Michael was also an avid skier, canoe tripper, sailor, a great bass player, and an excellent cook. Michael was a major contributor to epilepsy research both in fundamental science, but also as a Member of the Board and the Research Committee of Epilepsy Canada. In addition, he is the founder of a start-up, OB Pharmaceuticals, which is poised to launch human trials for a novel anticonvulsant. Michael was a dynamic, effective and passionate leader of CERI, and organized some outstanding conferences encompassing the breadth of epilepsy research. For us in the epilepsy community, he is sorely missed.

In Memoriam Fred Andermann

It is with great sadness that we announce that Frederick Andermann, Emeritus Professor at the Montreal Neurological Institute of McGill University, passed away on Sunday June 16 in Montreal, at the age of 88. Dr. Andermann was a giant of epilepsy with contributions in numerous areas of clinical epilepsy. He also trained and inspired a large number of fellows who have become recognized leaders all over the world. He is a past vice-president of the ILAE and was involved in many activities of the League.

Fred is survived by his wife and lifelong collaborator Eva Andermann, his children Lisa, Anne and Mark, and his six grandchildren, Hanna (12), Lara (11), Jamie (9), Leila (9), Benjamin (7) and Kaya (7). He will be lovingly remembered by his family and his many friends and colleagues.

Contributions in his memory may be made to the Frederick Andermann Clinical and Research Fellowship in Epileptology and EEG at McGill University to continue his legacy of training epilepsy specialists worldwide. For more details see: https://www.mcgill.ca/channels/news/new-fellowship-targets-epilepsy-174860. Donations to the Fellowship can be made at www.alumni.mcgill.ca/give under “I want to support - Other” and specify the “Frederick Andermann Fellowship in Epileptology and EEG” or by calling Arnav Manchanda at the McGill Faculty of Medicine Advancement Office 514-398-2529 or Wendy at the Jewish Community Foundation 514-734-1592. For any questions, you can also contact the Program Director of the Fellowship, Dr. Eliane Kobayashi, ateliane.kobayashi@mcgill.ca.

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